The voltage protection and control relay REU615 is available in two standard configurations, denoted A and B. Configuration A is preadapted for voltage and frequency-based protection schemes in utility and industrial power systems and distribution systems including networks with distributed power generation. The B configuration is designed for automatic voltage regulation of power transformers equipped with an on-load tap changer. Both configurations also feature additional CB control, measuring and supervising functions. REU615 is a member of ABB’s Relion® product family and part of its 615 protection and control product series. The 615 series relays are characterized by their compactness and withdrawable-unit design. Related products click to understand:REF615、 REU610
The 615 series relays support a range of communication protocols including IEC 61850 with Edition 2 support, process bus according to IEC 61850-9-2 LE, IEC 60870-5-103, Modbus® and DNP3. Profibus DPV1 communication protocol is supported by using the protocol converter SPA-ZC 302.
REU615 is available in two standard configurations. The standard signal configuration can be altered by means of the signal matrix or the graphical application functionality of the Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600. Further, the application configuration functionality of PCM600 supports the creation of multi-layer logic functions using various logical elements, including timers and flip-flops. By combining protection functions with logic function blocks, the relay configuration can be adapted to user-specific application requirements.
The relay is delivered from the factory with default connections described in the functional diagrams for binary inputs, binary outputs, function-to-function connections and alarm LEDs. Some of the supported functions in REU615 must be added with the Application Configuration tool to be available in the Signal Matrix tool and in the relay. The positive measuring direction of directional protection functions is towards the outgoing feeder.
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