ABB 5SDF 0860H0001 | 5SDF0860H0001 | Thyristor.The ABB 5SDF 0860H0001 or 5SDF0860H0001 is a thyristor, a device used as a switch to control the amount of electricity passing through a particular point. It’s usually a semiconductor. In the context of power systems, thyristors are used in various applications, including as switches in low-voltage circuits, gas gap switches in high-voltage circuits, and in solid-state relays to switch the controlled load.More Thyristor and IGCT modules:5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 | 5SDF0860H0003 3BHL000397P0001 | 5SHY3545L0009 3BHB013085R0001 | 5SDD1060F0001 3BHL001863P0001
A thyristor can be in either zero- or full-conduction state. This means that it can either block all current flow (zero-conduction) or allow all current to flow (full-conduction).
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