Bently 3500/91 190782-01 | EGD Communication Gateway Module.The 3500/91M EGD (Ethernet Global Data) Communication Gateway modules provides comprehensive communication capabilities of 3500 rack-monitored values and status. This Ethernet network path provides information with response times suitable for controller applications. Using the 3500/91M EGD Gateway provides for integration with EGD protocol compatible controllers (e.g. GE Mark* VIe controllers, etc). Supported protocols include: l EGD (version 2.01) l Ethernet UDP/IP The Ethernet standards supported by the 3500/91M I/O module is IEEE802.3 for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX (twisted pair).
Bently 3500/91 190782-01 | EGD Communication Gateway Module
Bently 3500/91 190782-01 | EGD Communication Gateway Module
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