Bently Nevada 30000-00-13-12-02 Position Monitor
Brand: Bently Nevada
Module: 30000-00-13-12-02
Description: Position Monitor
Country: USA
The Bently Position Monitor is an instrument used to monitor the position of machinery. It can monitor various types of position sensors, such as linear variable differential transformers (LVDT), rotary potentiometers, etc., and convert the monitored position signal into a digital or electrical output. The features of the Bently Position Monitor include high accuracy, high reliability, stability and easy maintenance. It can be configured in a variety of modes, such as axial position, differential expansion, standard single slope expansion, non-standard single slope expansion, double slope expansion, complementary differential expansion, housing expansion and valve position. Through these configurations, various position parameters of mechanical equipment can be accurately monitored and controlled. In addition, the Bently Position Monitor has a variety of functions, such as average piston position, average clearance, and accuracy. These features can provide more accurate and reliable position monitoring data for better maintenance and management of machinery.
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