FOXBORO RH916ND Termination Module
it seems that RH916ND is a type of external source, discrete output interface module manufactured by Foxboro, which is now owned by Schneider Electric. The product code for this module is FBM242. It features 16-channel discrete output, supporting discrete output signals at 15 to 60 V dc, 120 V ac/125 V dc, 240 V ac voltages. Each input and output are current isolated, group isolated, and it is a brand new product available in stock.
A discrete output interface module is an electronic component that processes digital signals from a control system and converts them into physical signals that can be used to control peripheral devices, such as motors, valves, and lights. The RH916ND is a specific type of discrete output interface module, designed to work with 15 to 60 V dc, 120 V ac/125 V dc, 240 V ac voltages. It has 16 channels or output points, which means it can control up to 16 different devices
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