ICS TRIPLEX TC-001-02-1M5 Programmable Controller
Module: TC-001-02-1M5
Description: Programmable Controller
Origin: Germany
The programmable controller is a programmable controller (PLC). It is a microprocessor as the core of the digital arithmetic operation of the electronic system device, specially designed for industrial field applications. It uses a programmable memory to perform operational instructions such as logic operations, sequence control, timing/counting and arithmetic operations in its internal storage, and controls various types of machinery or production processes through digital or analog input and output interfaces.
A Programmable Controller is an electronic system device that operates numerically and is designed for use in the industrial field. It uses a programmable memory to perform operational instructions such as logic operations, sequence control, timing/counting and arithmetic operations in its internal storage, and controls various types of machinery or production processes through digital or analog input and output interfaces. The programmable controller and its related equipment should be designed in accordance with the principle of easy to make the industrial control system form a whole and easy to expand its functions.
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